Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Skate News - Hudson Bay

Hudson Bay skatepark project to proceed
Hudson Bay Post-Review - Aug. 16 2005

Two students working in Hudson Bay for the summer have been inspired to construct a quality skatepark for the community. They have taken it on themselves to coordinate redesign and construction of a park that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages.

Existing ramps were of low quality, deteriorated and a hazard to the rider's safety. Our objective is to construct a permanent facility that is durable and safe where skaters, BMXers, mountain bikers, and inliners can enjoy and practice their respective sport. It will be a supportive environment that will accomodate people of all ages.

Extreme sports are an individual activity that is open to personal creativity and limitations. These sports are a growing trend among Canadian youth. According to recent statistics there are five skaters for every one baseball player. This statistic clearly shows that such facilities will be an excellent addition to our community.

The park will also allow for interested specatators to observe from a safe distance.

The project has been divided into two phases. The first phase was to repair existing ramps. Phase two consists of the construction of five additional ramps. These ramps include one with a five-foot spine, a five-foot quarter pipe, one featuring fun and grind boxes, a four-foot quarter pite and another featuring all-grind boxes.

Having a park will help to build strong community ties and will allow for youth to be surrounded by older, positive role models.

Helmets and pads are recommended, but not enforced.

The project is a major undertaking and requires volunteers from the community during the construction phase in order to make it happen.

The proposed build day is sometime in August and in appreciation for all the hard work, volunteers will be treated to a barbeque.

For more information about the Hudson Bay skate park call 865-3223 and stay tuned for other upcoming events.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Skate News - Prince Albert

Public Backs Park
Regan Brady - Prince Albert Daily Herald - Aug 10 2005

The Proposed Prime Ministers' Park location for an outdoor skatepark facility met no opposition from the public at a meeting Tuesday night.

About 20 people, many skateboard subcommittee members, attended the meeting at City Hall to show their support of the new location, which is south of the south parking lot of the Art Hauser Centre and west of the softball diamonds.

"I think this is a go - looks like unanimous support to me," said Mel Kelley, a subcommittee member.

The next step is for final approval by city council at its Monday meeting. On Aug. 2, council approved Prime Ministers' Park pending input from the public meeting.

The facility is estimated to cost between $500,000 and $700,000.