Friday, November 11, 2005

Skatepark Update

Reports available
The new advisory committee report is now on the web. It recommends consideration of five sites. Les Sherman and Kinsman Park South (a new south-end location) are ranked highest, but in the covering letter the administration gives the nod to the Science Centre site, saying it is “relatively centrally located” (a bit of a stretch) and meets the original criteria (except for a bus and the vibe, A.K.A. “sense of place”). The administration says the site is west of the Imax, but elsewhere in the document it is described as east. I think they mean east? Despite its high ranking on paper the Kinsman Park site is expected to drop further down the list once the consultations are underway, due to various local factors. The Communities 4 Sk8rs brief is also on the web. Both documents are at

Mayor meeting
We met with the Mayor on Wednesday. We had good representation from parents, skaters and community folk from both sides of the creek. Here is what the Mayor said: He had read our brief and said it was helpful and contained “information our people didn’t have before”. He gave us his version of the process to date, which he felt was flawed but is now “back on track.” He said that the initial undertaking hadn’t looked at locations on land not owned by the city, so therefore the city needed to expand the list. He said, “If at the end of the process it’s Les Sherman Park, then it’s Les Sherman Park.” The main thing is to ensure it is an open and transparent process. He said the door isn’t closed on Les Sherman Park and “my goal is to be subject to persuasion”. There will be community consultations; the dates of meetings will be finalized in November. He predicted the whole process would take 4-5 months. He said, “Don’t feel Les Sherman is off the table”; it is still part of the consultation. He also noted that when these types of developments are brought in, people initially opposed tend to adjust once the facilities are in place. But during the consultation phase, we should expect to hear opposition. The mayor was unclear and/or unsure about whether or not the decision would be brought forward to City Council, or if it would be settled at the committee level. He said if we want to be successful, “just continue doing what you’re doing.” He agreed to keep his future media comments neutral.

Parks and Community Services Meeting

4:30 PM, Wed. Nov. 16, City Hall

This is the beginning of the decision process. Communities 4 Sk8rs will present our brief and hand in the signed petitions. The city administration will present its report with the site recommendations. These items are for the committee’s information – the committee will be asked to approve taking the five sites out to the community for consultation. A decision on the site won’t be made, but it is a good idea to make our presence felt and help the committee be mentally prepared for anti-skatepark backlash so they don’t freak out and shut it down again. The city administration report clearly states that the location is up to the four-member committee, not council.

Don’t forget the jam!
Skate jam at the indoor park on Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. Fun for all.


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